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I Am a Woman, and I Can Do It 

Breaking Barriers and Stereotypes

I Am a Woman, and I Can Do It

More than childbirth and household duties, women are capable of much more. Women were often convinced while growing up that their only path in life was to become mothers and serve their families or have a successful career, because attaining both would be too ambitious and impossible. While being a housewife or stay-at-home mother is not wrong, it doesn’t mean it’s the only option available. Similarly, in terms of a career, why should it be necessary to give up motherhood if you can effectively juggle both?

A fictional character named Lynette from the American comedy-drama series “Desperate Housewives” is a successful corporate figure at an advertising company, known as a business shark. However, upon becoming pregnant, she had to leave her career to focus solely on motherhood because that is what was expected of her.

Unfortunately, Lynette’s Imaginary persona reflects the reality for many women. They are often expected to choose or sacrifice something, and sadly, for those who pursue a career, they frequently encounter a lack of equal opportunities due to stereotypes and unconscious bias towards women in the workplace. This problem arises because many companies assume that women bear 80% of the responsibility for household chores and childcare, including attending to the needs of children and managing household tasks. 

Additionally, there is the issue of maternal leave. In contrast, men, regardless of the number of children they have, are not as in demand as mothers. There is also a common notion that men are the primary breadwinners of the family; therefore, it is deemed logical for them to receive higher salaries since their main responsibility is to support their families. 

I Am a Woman, and I Can Do It

Aside from this, jobs requiring physical labor, such as factory work, taxi driving, or any other roles involving driving, are not deemed suitable for women according to societal standards. This leads to unfair treatment and discrimination. If you believe this issue is limited to physical labor, you are mistaken, as it is also prevalent in the digital industry. According to the PDIS study, women are often placed in less complex and lower-paying positions, such as encoding, because supposedly, creating digital designs is too complex for their skills.

Fortunately, over the years, this mindset has gradually shifted. Now, more women are both building a family and advancing in their careers. This signifies that life isn’t a one-way street; we can defy societal norms and shape our own destinies. The struggle is ongoing; women still encounter discrimination, yet the divide between genders is slowly narrowing. Increasingly, women are opting to pursue the lives they desire and deserve, broadening their horizons, pursuing hobbies, and balancing careers with family life.

I Am a Woman, and I Can Do It

We currently witness women who are doctors, teachers, marketing managers, and engineers, all while fulfilling the role of mothers. This includes tasks such as dropping their kids off at school, preparing amazing breakfasts, and attending PTA meetings. Some are stay-at-home moms earning through vlogging, creating TikTok content, and selling online.

Let us also not forget the single mothers who are thriving alone to provide for their kids’ needs. They are building their names while nurturing their families and creating cozy homes because they can do so. There are no boundaries or limitations; the sky’s the limit when it comes to achieving dreams. No one can confine you to a single role or dictate how to live your life.

A moment for all the women who have charted their own course. You are a blessing and an inspiration to everyone. You’ve worked your way up despite the challenges and doubts that surround you.

I Am a Woman, and I Can Do It

Keep on amazing them on what you can do and support other women who are trying their best to survive life’s long journey #LoveHerEyes. 

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