The Power of Eye Contact: Making Impressions Last
Imagine meeting someone for the first time and making eye contact with you. Wouldn’t you
Are you guilty of grabbing whatever material looks clean enough to wipe your eyewear when things get too busy? Having dirty glasses as an eyeglass wearer can be inconvenient, especially when the lenses become blurry from smudge and dirt. Proper eyeglass care comes in handy to ensure your specs last long. So read on to save your glasses from unintentional damage.
Owning a pair of glasses entails a responsibility for proper handling so they will last. Clean lenses and well-adjusted frames also bring comfort, making doing your errands more convenient. Plus, not all eyeglasses are cheap. Giving adequate care means reducing the risk of damaging them— therefore, saving money. Below are eyeglass care tips to keep them in their best condition.
Before handling your glasses, ensure clean hands. Even when they do not feel dirty, our fingertips have oil and dust that can transfer to our glasses. These can scratch the lenses, leading to damage or more frequent cleaning. Thus, skip the hassle of buying a new pair every time you wash your hands before handling and cleaning your specs.
A regular schedule to clean glasses every day or one to two days is ideal. Use the right cleaning products to ensure your favorite pair of eyewear stays with you for long. A small drop of dish liquid with warm water work wonders. But use a microfiber cloth to wipe your specs to prevent scratching the lenses and damaging them unintentionally.
Are you guilty of placing your glasses anywhere when you are in a hurry? Use the eyeglass case with your frame, as it is the correct size for your eyewear. Ideally, wrapping them around the cleaning cloth that came with it counts as added protection.
Wearing and taking off your glasses with one hand puts them at risk of loosening and misaligning over time. They will sit crookedly on your face when they are not the perfect fit anymore, jeopardizing comfort.
Wear and tear is normal when your current glasses have been with you for a long time, so having a care routine is expected. However, not every eyeglass care practice you do is considered safe. You risk getting eye strains and headaches when your specs are not in their best condition. Thus, we should avoid the following at any cost.
Note that not all liquids are proper for cleaning your glasses. It may seem like it gets the job done, but the present chemicals and composition can scratch the surface of the lens destroying whatever coating your glasses have. Keeping a lens cleaner is the best way to ensure your specs remain in top shape.
Who else uses their shirts, a tissue, or a paper towel to clean their glasses? These are not the right materials to properly clean your eyewear, as these can scratch the lens. Moreover, these can contain oils and dirt that may cause further damage and destroy the lens coating.
Tiny particles will stick to the lenses with constant use and air exposure. Thus, wiping your glasses while dry will scratch the lenses because of the particles’ rough texture. To keep your glasses pristine, rinse them with a cleaning solution or water to remove dust and dirt, then wipe them off with a clean microfiber cloth.
Do you find it a hassle to carry your glasses around when not in use? Worse is leaving the lenses lying on hard, flat surfaces. You’ll end up with scratched lenses the next time you pick your glasses up. You may not want the additional weight in your bag, but securing them in a case ensures you will not regret leaving them just anywhere.
These eyeglass care tips are essential for clear vision and eyewear longevity. By taking notes, you can enjoy comfortable and clean glasses daily. A little care goes a long way; thus, investing time in proper cleaning and storage will save you a lot of hassle.
Keep your frames clean for all-day crystal-clear vision. For more expert eye care, visit the nearest Executive Optical store for a free eye checkup because your eyes deserve the best.
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